The validity of the concept of description is one of the practical issues in Uusl Fiqh, the acceptance of its validity or lack of validity has a great impact on Foru’ and Usul (major and minor rulings). However, a comparative study of this issue has not been done to clarify the similarities and differences of the fariqain (Sunni and Shia Denominations). The present article is organized by descriptive and analytical method and by referring to the written sources of two contemporary fundamental thinkers of Shia (Shahid Sadr) and Sunni (Abdul Karim Namleh), and has examined their viewpoints and analyzed and compared them in order to identify their common points and differences. The findings of the study show a fundamental difference in the nature of the concept between Shias and Sunnis, and this difference is effective in other topics such as the validity of different types of concepts, especially the concept of description. According to the findings of the research, Shia does not consider the concept of description because there is not description of appearance in it, but according to the fact that the Sunnis did not consider the concepts as a subset of any of the three verbal arguments, to prove its validity, they followed the two ways of attributing it to appearances and the way of rational reasoning.
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Khakpour(corresponding author), A., & Shakeri(corresponding author), B. (2024). A Comparative Study of the Validity of the Concept of Description from the Perspective of Shahid
Sadr and Abdul Karim Namleh. Principles of Islamic jurisprudence: A comparative view of the Islamic doctrines, 1(1), 115-143. doi: 10.22081/jpij.2024.65118.1006
Ali Khakpour(corresponding author); Balal Shakeri(corresponding author). "A Comparative Study of the Validity of the Concept of Description from the Perspective of Shahid
Sadr and Abdul Karim Namleh", Principles of Islamic jurisprudence: A comparative view of the Islamic doctrines, 1, 1, 2024, 115-143. doi: 10.22081/jpij.2024.65118.1006
Khakpour(corresponding author), A., Shakeri(corresponding author), B. (2024). 'A Comparative Study of the Validity of the Concept of Description from the Perspective of Shahid
Sadr and Abdul Karim Namleh', Principles of Islamic jurisprudence: A comparative view of the Islamic doctrines, 1(1), pp. 115-143. doi: 10.22081/jpij.2024.65118.1006
Khakpour(corresponding author), A., Shakeri(corresponding author), B. A Comparative Study of the Validity of the Concept of Description from the Perspective of Shahid
Sadr and Abdul Karim Namleh. Principles of Islamic jurisprudence: A comparative view of the Islamic doctrines, 2024; 1(1): 115-143. doi: 10.22081/jpij.2024.65118.1006