Rules for the Use of Rational Evidence from the Perspective of Usul Scholars

Document Type : Original Article


Professor, Faculty of Sharia, Herat University, Afghanistan.


Human reason is the foundation of obligation, and with it, a person becomes accountable. In the realm of ijtihad, the obligation of ijtihad and specialized learning in religious sciences is not possible for everyone, which is why only those capable of ijtihad should fulfill this duty, and others should follow them. Those engaged in ijtihad must operate within specific rules to ensure their ijtihad is regulated. This research aims to establish rules for the use of reason as evidence. It first examines reason and its various types from the perspective of Usulis and then seeks to extract and establish foundational rules for them. The results of this research have identified five key principles: Al-asl at-tadhyeeq fee ahkaam al-'aql al-mustaqill wa at-tawsi'a fee ahkaam al-'aql ghayr al-mustaqill (The default is to restrict the rulings of independent reason and expand the rulings of dependent reason); 'Aql al-mujtahid al-mustaneer binoor ash-shar' huwa ad-daleel (The reason of the mujtahid, enlightened by the light of Sharia, is the evidence); 'Aql al-mukallaf bil-ijtihad huwa ad-daleel (The reason of the one obligated to perform ijtihad is the evidence); Lil-'aql majaal fee al-ahkaam al-mutlaq 'an az-zamaan wal-makaan wal-muqayyad bihima wa yalzim at-tafkeek baynahuma (Reason has a role in absolute rulings, free from time and place, and those bound by time and place, and distinguishing between them is necessary); Yajibu intisaab ahkaam al-'aql bil-'aql wash-shar' bish-shar' (The rulings of reason must be attributed to reason, and the rulings of Sharia to Sharia. These are examples of the necessary principles in this field. Another result is the need to differentiate between various rulings: "purely Sharia," "purely rational," "Sharia-rational," and "rational-Sharia." This distinction must be addressed through the presentation of specific works by proficient and specialized scholars so that those obligated can distinguish between Sharia and rational rulings. The research was conducted using library methods, aiming to extract rules and principles that can subject the reason of the mujtahid to regulation and structure.


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